Dissolution of the ACP

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We, the board of the Association of Chess Professionals (ACP), hereby declare the dissolution of the organization effective immediately. After our latest Extraordinary General Assembly, the decision was reached to dissolve the organization. We have now completed all the legal requirements for the dissolution.

ACP Extraordinary General Assembly - Voting Open

Dear Colleagues,
As we announced, the Extraordinary General Assembly follows the General Assembly and will run from 15 April to 1 May.

Here is a reminder of the members who have a right to vote:
Jussupow Artur
Romanov Evgeny
Colovic Aleksandar
Garrett Yuri
Navara David
Kormick Korey
Garcia Valer Jesus
Escafre Stephane
Ootes Lennart
Gupta Abhijeet
Mueller Karsten
Donchenko Alexander
Erdos Viktor
Freyd Laurent
Gavrilescu David
Lupulescu Constantin

Report by the President 2022

Dear Colleagues,

The year 2022 was a turning point for the ACP when we tried to give the organisation a different direction.

We devised a strategic plan with two main changes in mind.

First was that ACP pivoted to a think-tank, an organisation that would analyse and present ideas to the chess public.

Second was using our Twitch channel to organise streams on important topics.

ACP Elections and General Assembly - Important Update

Dear Colleagues,
According to our Statute, Article 12, “The Association is run by a board of 11 members elected for 4 years by the General Assembly.”

Following our Statute, we would like to inform you that due to lack of interest (two applications) we are forced to cancel the elections for the new ACP Board.

The upcoming General Assembly will continue as scheduled (1-14 April) with the updated agenda:
1. President’s Report
2. Treasurer’s Report

ACP Statement Concerning the FIDE Circuit and Changes to the World Championship Cycle

In November 2020 ACP published a proposal about possible changes to the World Championship cycle. It proposed a democratic and all-inclusive system that would involve all players in the world in the true meaning of the gens una sumus motto. 

The essence of ACP’s proposal was to include almost all open tournaments in the world in a World Open Circuit that would provide qualification spots for the Grand Swiss.